Recipe du jour
monday, august 7, 2023
Roasted strawberry, peach & elderflower buttermilk crepes
As a teenager, I had a bizarre fascination with making crepes when I came home from school – bog standard 'pancakes', as we called them in Dublin – served up 'Delia Smith style' with a load of lemon juice and way too much caster sugar.
In the early 1990s Dublin, these food delights were not known as fancy 'French crepes' but just flour, egg and milk pancakes. Through my years in the past 15 OF WORKING IN FOOD, I've come to accept that 'pancakes' really are more the American style ones - aka thick and fluffy and made with buttermilk.
I'll always BE AN advocate for the flour, egg and milk-style ones. But i have put in some buttermilk to there ones to combine 2 classics.
all pancakes start out with the first one will be an utter disaster and chucked in the bin as you work through your (hopefully, natural expertise flipping skills), and try to deliver about 12 perfectly cooked and evenly browned thin-as-paper offerings.
I created this recipe alongside an Irish cordial company – Sadie's Cordial. Their peach/strawberry cordial really is a winner. You wont be able to get it in AUS but you can substitute with another elderflower one such as BELVOIR FARM.
You can use my compote I WROTE FOR THIS RECIPE, as a preserve on toast or pair it with natural yoghurt and granola. You can even serve it with ice cream.
Feel free to substitute white flour for wholemeal and add other berries/fruit, too.