Alfonzo Sanchez

Alfonso Sánchez is an amateur photographer based in Dublin but originally from Madrid.  His first memory of photography was introduced to him when he was only 8, his family gifted him three cameras for his communion. He confesses that they were never used, but puts this as the possible origin of his now deep passion for photography.

At an early age he was an enthusiastic follower of great classical photographers and used to collect pictures of his favourites like Annie Leibovitz or Sebastiao Salgado. He followed the National Geographic and had great interest in iconic images captured by war correspondents in Iraq, old Yugoslavia, Chernobyl, Ethiopia or Bangladesh.

Alfonso is a self taught photographer. His photographic eye was aroused taking opportunistic pictures with his mobile phone and always avoiding any kind of complexity. “My greatest satisfaction are the photographs that I have captured by chance”. He considers that the photographer should intervene as little as possible in the photographic action,

“If the photographer ‘disturbS’ the scene, the authenticity of the moment is lost”.  

His creative process begins over a simple premise, the most ordinary events could be made in something beautiful if we you are able to see them with the heart.

Recent finalist of the prestigious international competition SPi Awards 2020, he dreams of finding one day the picture of his life.




Martin Poole